• None of the “something’s wrong” lights are on in my car.
• Tonight, all the semis and other huge vehicles drove in the right lane, that is to say, the right lane, and the correct lane.
• I have discovered foods I love that are healthy.
• Predictive text didn’t turn any of my messages into anything requiring an apology and an explanation.
• The neighbor’s dog didn’t kill Scout when she dug under the fence, entered the neighbor’s house through the doggie door, and began to eat the dog’s food.
• I locked my keys in my car only a mile from my house, my awesome neighbor was home with a key to my house, I have a spare set of easy to find keys, no one on North Tarrant honked or yelled at us, and the weather was very pleasant.
• I’m not the president of anything.
• My professor was very understanding and gracious when I missed our meeting and even agreed to go over my outline on her own time. I swear I didn’t get that email.
• This is my last week of night classes, and next week is dead week.
• I got to talk to several of my favorite people on the phone today.
• I have heat, hot water, warm covers on a comfy bed, plenty of food, and doors that lock tight.
• I might just get to bed at a reasonable, human hour tonight.
All is well.